Monday, January 19, 2009

Jilly's First Word?!?!?

Maybe! Over the past couple of days, Jillian has been saying "Mamamamamama" over and over. I really didn't think anything about it. Until today that is! This morning, she looked right at me, smiled, stuck her hands out towards me and yelled, "Mamamama!" My heart just smiled so much! She is 10 months old today, which is SO difficult to believe! She will be 1 in 2 months! Is that possible?

I think the first word was really just to make up for the massive diaper explosion that she had last night. For the first time ever, we literally had to cut off the onesie because I just did NOT want to pull that over her head...poor kid. It was gross!

Layla is doing well, she has pooped in the potty a couple more time. At least lately, she has waited till "quiet" time when she is in a pullup to go if she has too. Other than that, she is doing great with things. She is really finally warming up to Jillian and is such a cute big sister. Unless of course Jilly is into something that Layla wants or vice versa!

That is all for now!

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