Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Life, Or Something Like It

Catching up...oh, need to catch up. We have been pretty busy lately. What is going on? Well, Jillian is ALL over this house. I can't get over it. She crawls everywhere. It is a little scary, and she is FAST. We have to watch her like a hawk. The second she gets somewhere she wants to be, she tries to pull up. She is getting really good at that and can pull up on just about everything! Granted, she doesn't have the strength or coordination to stay there long so she tends to fall a lot, but she is getting there. She also cut teeth last week. One is completely through and the other is still coming. I am glad, the poor kid has been in so much pain. She is still puking all over the place, it gets a little annoying, but what can you do? Not much. Just keep cleaning it up, over and over. What else? She got her 6 month shots yesterday and did really well. She didn't cry on the first one, whimpered on the second and really screamed on the third, but only for a sec. She was very brave. What else? Jillian is LOVING carrots. Green beans not so much, but she will eat them. Last night she ate a whole thing of carrots. Oh yeah, I am done nursing as well. It was a little difficult to think that I will never nurse another baby, but
I think that it was the best thing for both of us. She is sleeping better (for the most part) and seems to be a little better humor like she isn't hungry anymore. I am glad. I am definitely happier. Now, if we can just get my milk to dry up, we will be in good shape!

Layla is so cute. She is turning into such a little girl, she is definitely not a baby anymore and that is difficult for me to believe an come to terms with. She is doing MUCH better with going to the potty. She is still in Pull-ups when we go out of the house and at nap and night time, but she wears big girl panties at home. She has only had 1 accident this week. :) Now, if we can just get her to go Number 2 in the potty we will be good. :) She is VERY into coloring and painting lately, it is funny. She asks to paint all the time. Grandma Mary got her watercolor sheets for her birthday so I don't have to worry about paint getting everywhere, that is nice.

We were home at my mom and dad's a couple of weekends ago. We had a great time. We visited, did a little shopping (which is always fun), and helped Grandma Irene pick up rocks for her pasture for her horse Banjo. Layla was SO funny. She would run up to the rocks and dig them completely out before she would pick them up. Then she discovered the soybeans on the ground. She picked them up all throughout the plot and called them "Jelly beans". She wanted to bring them home so she could grow Jelly beans at home. We had to clean out her pockets pretty well.

This past Saturday was the annual Hawkins Fall Party. We had a really good time. Layla is old enough now to really enjoy it. We saw family and friends and bounced around in a big bounce house. Both Eric and I's backs were killing us on Sunday! Thanks for a great time Hawkins!

My Grandmother (the girlie's Nana Belle) is in the hospital right now, we would love any prayers you want to send this way.

Also, we got some great news yesterday! We are going to have a nephew come February! Eric's brother Richard and his wife Tiffiny and their daughter Sarah found out that they are having a boy! We are all so excited. I get to pick out BOY that seems weird!

Hope all is well with everyone!